Full Moon 13 degrees and 38 minutes in Capricorn, on 05.07. 2020, 2:44pm AEST
Greetings existing readers and welcome to the new subscribers. Thank you for jumping on board this magical train hopefully inspiring us all into higher consciousness with effortless ease, as we shed the heavy cloaks of energy that many of us still carry and step into our ‘real’ selves that are beckoning to awaken.
Another heartfelt Happy Birthday to the Family Caring Cancer! I hope that you have the best birthday ever doing what you love and what nurtures and nourishes your soul.
Ladies and Gents, at this time, we are experiencing a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. Simply put, a Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon that is turbocharged in its expression and energy. At any Full Moon the Sun is opposite the Moon. In a lunar eclipse, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and usually causes a blood red shadow.
From my understanding, it is this position of the cosmic bodies that give the Lunar Eclipse its extra oomph or charge to the already existing energy of any other Full Moon. This energy can help the ‘family of man’ enable greater awareness through the feeling senses towards growth and expansion allowing change to the existing Capricorn limitation and structure.
At this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse we have the opposing forces of the sign of Cancer and Capricorn both at 13 degrees and 38 minutes requesting our emotional and practical attention. At any Full Moon, many for ‘good reason’ feel the rising tension of the opposing signs, as it is essentially longing for a release and a letting go at the time of the Full Moon, in order to come back into stability within and without.
In the process, possibly shedding heavy bags of karma that may have been carried around for aeons. Considering that the Lord of Karma and Timing dear old Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn. Saturn would be saying at this Full Moon it is TIME to let go of fear and restriction.
Capricorn element is earth that loves practical and grounded steps, in order to achieve success and build its reputation out in the world of life-path and career. Capricorn represents that mountain goat that takes sure-footed steps up the mountain of success. Capricorn can become too serious on his climb towards achievement, when he is focused on prestige and status.
Capricorn reminds us that, in order to achieve our own individual ‘true success’, we are required to do our best to take responsibility for each thought and behaviour, work hard on ourselves, in order to raise our own vibration. It is our own elevation of energy that will ultimately affect all of those around us raising their energy levels not by our control to change others but by changing ourselves and creating that ripple affect out in the external world, as an unexpected consequence.
Control is driven by fear. Therefore, the more authority that we experience out in the existing structure, for example the Governments, or within our own families (Cancer/Moon) or within ourselves can cause anxiety and unease. We are invited to recognise it as fear and give love to the external world that may seem like it is going out of control through authoritative control.
We do not have the power to change what happens outside of ourselves. We only have the power to change within. So, I invite you to give love to those parts of yourselves that are fearful. Being fearful is human nature and it usually indicates that we care so much about whatever it is that we fear that we either do nothing, control ourselves or others. Please know that doing nothing can also be control and ignites guilt.
We are invited to take the hard reigns off of self-punishment for the times that we see as mistakes. Forgiveness, compassion and a bigger picture perspective are healing tools that are at our disposal, at all times that work. There are no faults, only awareness and timing, which is everything.
We may push for something to achieve right now that has not yet reached its maturity. Capricorn and Saturn invite us to connect to our own individual truth that can be felt in our bellies and connecting to our hearts. Maybe next time you are experiencing fear, stop for one minute, close your eyes and connect to your own feeling centre and place your hands on your tummy with the intent to give it love. Notice what happens, the fear can transform into contentment when we give heartfelt love, to ourselves.
From my experience, love is the only way, to transform the 3D structure from a fear-based society to a LOVE-based society.
In order to do this ‘inner work’ maybe we need to first crawl into our own crab shells (Cancer) for safety and remain there until we are ready to face the outer world of structure (Capricorn/Saturn). We truly are supported at this time to spend more time at home away from social distraction, in order to build that safe secure foundation within.
At this Full Moon the amplified energy of Capricorn is there for several reasons. We have the Lunar Eclipse plus four other planets in Capricorn. In this combination we have Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn assisting us to really dig deep into our subconscious mind to extract our own truth, and maybe begin a higher study that will expand our mind, letting go of any restrictions and limitations that the Capricorn/Saturn energy can bring at this time.
Further, we have the opportunity to focus on disciplining our mind, with the possible intention to start our own business or a career that we love. Whatever venture we choose to take on at this time, could have deeply transformational affects on our view of the everyday look of the world. Also, changes to our beliefs and how we structure ourselves in the big wide world or in our lives personally.
Saturn/Capricorn helps to build our solid foundation from the ground up in that sure-footed, steady and firm manner, using a step-by-step approach. The word discipline does not need to be a dirty word; in fact to learn to apply discipline into our practical lives is what ends up freeing us from limitation, restriction and hard work. Discipline and focus on the task at hand eliminates fear as one sees results, which is great, isn’t it?
You may like to take a look at the placement of Capricorn in your own birth charts. What house is your Capricorn in?
Also, I invite you to see where the planet Saturn is placed in your birth chart. This way you can see for yourself what sign Saturn is in and which house he resides in. This can reveal the area of life related to your karmic lesson. If you would like some assistance in this, I provide half an hour readings, specifically designed to help you get the best out of applying these messages in these Moon Musings, practically for you. I do this to my best ability, as it is now.
Capricorn rules our skin, bones and our teeth. Therefore, any issues that we experience related to those parts will be related to our own personal game of Capricorn and Saturn that we play, usually unconsciously.
Also, Capricorn is a cardinal sign and this means that if it wants to reach optimal health, these above themes and characteristics need to be worked through into its highest possible expression. This is especially true for the cardinal Sun signs. All of the different cardinal signs listed below, take action in their own way that is unique to that energy and sign. Essentially, the cardinal signs are required to motivate the self towards taking their own action and this way trigger the next phase of growth.
Those people that have the four Cardinal signs of Capricorn/Cancer and Aries/Libra, anywhere from 10 to 16 degrees in their birth charts will be affected by this Partial Eclipse Full Moon in Capricorn energy, more than others.
If you can please print your birth chart and physically place this Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn into your birth charts, then it will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.
As always, it is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts. I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings.
Feel free to visit this website: www.transformational-astrology.com if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings and other services available to check out on my website. You can message me and book an appointment, if anything that I offer resonates with you.
Travel well.
I love you all dearly.