Full Moon 20 degrees and 14 minutes in Aries, 14.10.2019 at 7:07 am AEST Hello beautiful readers, I greet you and thank you for your subscription. These Moon Musings would not be possible without you, your interest and your treasured feedback that is so close to my heart. Also, I would like to welcome and thank the new subscribers for jumping on board this magical train towards what I hope to be transformation, for us all. I would like to extend a warm Happy Birthday to our dearest Libra. I do hope that you spend your day doing what you love & whatever makes you happy. Please know that you have full permission to receive the pampering that you deserve, on your special day, as well as any other day throughout the year. Ladies and gents, we have a Full Moon in Aries coming up on the 14th of October. The Moon is 20 degrees in Aries and the Sun is 20 degrees in Libra. They are forming an exact opposition to each other, as they do at any Full Moon. At a Full Moon there is a gathered build up of energies that started at the New Moon cycle. At the time of the Full Moon, we feel this energy in our being and this may not feel comfortable. Further, many of you may have noticed that at the time of the Full Moon, it is at its brightest. Globally, this brilliance that is created by the Full Moon is there to assist we humans to illuminate those unconscious parts in our psyche that are ready for healing by being brought to the surface. We can ask the Full Moon or the planets to help us release the build up that we feel in our bodies. It is my experience that the planets are there to aid our spiritual growth and healing. I feel that many of us are looking for tools to assist our evolutionary path, towards feeling good. Please know that it is only through the discord that we feel that we can we heal. If there were no activations, then there would be no opportunities for growth. We all experience the activations by the transiting planets triggering something personal in our own birth charts, to differing degrees. At this Full Moon, we have an added discord and/or tension being created by the most powerful planet in the heavens. Transiting Pluto is generating what is called a T-Square in astrology together with the Moon and Sun. This T-Square pattern looks like a triangle, whether it is placed in a birth chart or created by the transiting planets up in the heavens. It is a common aspect pattern that is energising individuals to move forward through conflict and through finding and integrating the fourth missing leg of this triangle. This Full Moon is missing the fourth cardinal sign of Cancer/Moon. The support is there by the Moon’s energy alone, considering that the Moon rules Cancer. We have Pluto in Capricorn (its polarity is Cancer) sitting at the apex point of this T-Square pattern (triangle). From this apex point, Pluto in Capricorn is squaring, meaning creating stress and tension to the Sun in Libra. Further, from this same point Pluto is squaring the Moon in Aries, while the Moon and Sun are making an opposition to each other and closing that triangle pattern up in the sky. What could this mean? Essentially, Pluto is standing at the apex point of this triangle and he is sending deeply felt nudges to the Sun and Moon to take responsibility. Pluto is saying to the Moon in Aries own your emotions, anger inclusive, feel them and let them go, responsibly. Also, take action on the impulses that you receive. Stop procrastinating. Take action especially, when you are feeling scared and see what happens. I will help you transform your old patterns that no longer serve you. Further, Pluto is saying to the Sun in Libra, get off your ‘royal ego perch’ and begin to take responsibility for the ego mess that you can create when you allow self-importance to rule. Consequently, shine your light brightly, be the love that you intrinsically are and place that loving focus on others. Build loving, harmonious and complete bonds with the relationship partners that you care most deeply about. Stop self-importance and step into equality. Recognising that the Sun rules Leo and Leo has the strongest ego out of the zodiac. Leo/Sun is a fire element. Whereas, the Moon rules the sign of Cancer that is emotional and it is a water element. Cancer/Moon emotions can get hurt. Also, it can feel scared and timid, as well as needy, as it can depend on others for their nurturance and nourishment. This dependency remains into adulthood for those individuals that did not receive this essential nourishment, as young children. These adults are required to self-nourish and self-nurture and to attend to their wounded child with love, care and patience. Their Soul would have chosen this lesson, as harsh as it would feel for little children to experience. Moon in Aries can fire bullets of anger, can be selfish and impulsive. Aries is ruled by Mars and is a fire element. Therefore, when we squash this fire it can create havoc in our bodies. Our bodies can become heavily inflamed and in pain. We can suffer from recurrent headaches when we are not feeling safe in our environment and/or suppressing our fire. By taking action and owning our fire energy, we can act by being assertive and by moving our body rapidly every day to shift this energy and feel energised from the inside out. As mentioned, any T-square creates stress and calls for us to take action. When Pluto is involved it means that there is an opportunity for the deepest letting go of any old debris that is buried deep within our body and psyche. This energy remains unconscious, if we choose not to take action to heal it. Pluto is a planet that enables each person the most profound healing. It is only through Pluto that we can experience our own deepest transformation and our own personal rebirth. I see that at this Full Moon we have the most wonderful opportunity to take responsibility for our own Aries/Mars fire that is within us all. Aries fire when unconscious can dump that angry energy onto other people. The energy feels very toxic to the receiver and usually; after the angry person off-loads they feel better. Yet the person has no idea what after math of destruction they have left behind. This is often seen on our roads, as road rage. Possibly, by dumping toxicity at strangers, it feels easier than dumping it on our loved ones. Please know that there is no separation between any other perceived stranger and ourselves or any of our loved ones. We are all One and energetically each person affects the whole. Mother Earth feels this toxicity, as do all plants, animals and people upon her. Ultimately, this dysfunctional Aries energy when dumped stops any opportunity for a healthy release and healing, for that particular individual. Further, when avoiding action to heal, these triggers continue at different times in our lives. There are many individuals that feel this toxic energy and are working responsibly with their Aries that is within them. I thank you and congratulate you! There is an opportunity at this Full Moon in Aries to take responsibility for our own triggers of anger. We may ask ourselves: What is this ‘anger’ teaching me in this moment? How does it want to be released? What is the gift within the anger? Aries is a cardinal energy and what that means is that it needs to take action and begin new projects. Learn to be assertive and take the initiative. Aries have an intrinsic drive towards creating what they want and in order to move forward they need to motivate themselves into doing the work. The best way out of fear is to take action. Aries thrives on pioneering new projects. Ashtara states that if your Sun is in a cardinal sign like Aries then all of the cardinal qualities need to be applied in order for your life to work well. Please know that Aries has the tendency to procrastinate due to lack of confidence when playing life dysfunctionally. Also, it can lack direction and be dependent on others to initiate that action for them. Suppressed Aries can show up as headaches, migraines, skin rashes, boils and any other type of inflammation/redness/itchiness on the skin or in the body. Healthy Aries is dynamic, confident, self-motivated, assertive, independent, energised, enthusiastic, enterprising, pioneering, invigorating and adventurous. Excellent reasons for self-motivation. We all have Aries in our selves to differing degrees; we do not have to be an Aries Sun sign. I invite you to print your birthcharts (if you have them of course) and physically place the area/s of life this Full Moon in Aries is placed and will be affecting you on a personal level. Also, this way you can see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birthchart and/or if it makes any significant aspects. Further, out of interest you may like to see where Mars is positioned in your birth chart. Mars is the planetary ruler of Aries. The individuals that have the cardinal signs of Aries/Libra, Cancer/Capricorn in their chart anywhere from 16 to 24 degrees, will feel this Full Moon’s energy more than other people. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. If any of you feel called to have a face to face or Skype astrology reading with me then please book through this website: www.transformational-astrology.com Also, if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, then please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it. It is always an honour and a privilege to serve you. Thank you. I love you ALL Ziva
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