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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Full Moon in Aquarius, 24.07.2021

Full Moon 01 degree 25 minutes in Aquarius, 24.07.2021 at 12:36 pm AEST

Welcome precious readers. Thank you for taking the time from your busy lives to read these articles. I hope that they serve you, as best as they can. They are written from my experience and understanding of life, as it is now. I hope that you are well.

Happy Birthday Leo. May your day be fabulous, special and fun. You deserve it.

Ladies and Gents, we have a Full Moon in Aquarius. Any Full Moon is represented by the heavens demonstrating an exact opposition formed between the Moon and the Sun. In the lead up of the Full Moon there is a build in pressure.

This tension carries with it the culmination of the two energies within the opposing signs. We can feel like that we are swinging from one extreme to the other in our thinking and behaviour. We can also attract two very different and conflicting experiences. This happens in order to show us the varying extremes so that we can come into balance, if we choose to.

This time we have the Sun in the sign of Leo and the Moon in the sign of Aquarius. What could this mean?

Essentially, the sign of Aquarius is the humanitarian that requires creating unique changes for the betterment of the world. Each individual has their own exclusive individual gifts and talents that truly are as unique as our fingerprints. At the moment the human structure is going under a complete rehaul, in order to awaken to a totally brand-new self. This new self is loving and accepting of all. This means equally, accepting and loving the darkness and the light.

As we are stepping into the Aquarian Age it can be of great assistance to clear away our own shadows so that we can evolve into that different, higher frequency. This change can feel unsteady, electrical and a bit chaotic at times. This occurs all for good reason, as any real change requires a letting go of the old outworn behaviour that no longer makes sense and no longer feels good.

This can be likened to re-wiring and rebooting any old outdated computer software. Aquarius rules technology and its energy is electrical. Therefore, it needs continuous grounding and re-setting, in order to remain healthy. Our bodies are made up of this electrical energy. This is why Mother Nature can be the biggest gift at this time of great change.

We can hug trees at this time. We can place our whole body including the 3rd eye, on the tree and wait until our energy settles down. Also, we can try placing our back against the tree & intentionally connecting our spine with mother nature, grounding ourselves. Next step, feeling the light energy rise back up through our body, feeling bright and clear in our body, mind & spirit.

Or we can stand on the Earth barefoot and allow the healing energies to enter through the bottom of our feet. Then we can allow it to travel through the body and all the way up, transmuting any dense energies along the way. Consequently, allowing this energy to come up and through an open crown chakra into the heavens.

The Moon is conjunct, meaning sitting next to planet Pluto in late degrees of Capricorn. This conjunction looks to be supporting us, taking that action towards our own healing. It truly is up to us and we are deserving of the love and light.

This can be viewed, as a sacred opportunity, taking responsibility for our own creations and for mending our own separation from love (Aquarius). Potentially, deeply transforming to feel warmth of soul love emanating from our heart throughout our whole body.

As we recognise this change within ourselves, this new reality becomes our truthful way of living in light consciousness.

Any real change usually invites representing realities, in order to show us our own truth. We may not want to acknowledge the truth and we may allow our ego to rule that is represented by the sign of Leo and is the opposite sign of Aquarius.

Aquarius places the group consciousness first and foremost and consequently may not even be aware of the concept of putting self-first.

Whereas the dysfunctional Leo rules self-importance and allows to show off all that it can do well. Possibly, driven by an inability to know how to develop self-love or feel deserving of it.

Alternatively, the Leo can behave like a spoilt brat unwilling to change. At all cost. Being afraid that if he let’s go, he may find that he is inherently unlovable. A healthy Leo loves self unconditionally and can demonstrate leadership qualities by leading with courage and love. By feeling into our heart through the sign of Leo, we can be open to all that is love and find balance with all that is outside of ourselves.

A healthy Aquarius is unusual, progressive, unique, idealistic, original and ingenious just to name a few. Basically, for the sign of Aquarius they need their own space. It is essential to become that inventor of the original new ideas. This will be a discovery that has not been thought of before that could be a bit out there, possibly eccentric and unexpected by mainstream society.

We could have health issues with our calves or ankles or our nervous system, if we’re not playing the Aquarius energy functionally.

The sign of Aquarius is a fixed sign. This energy likes to hold on tightly to what they know and makes sense to them. The Aquarius can rebel.

The individuals that have the fixed signs of Leo/Aquarius and Taurus/Scorpio in their birth charts ranging anywhere from 00 to 4 degrees will feel this Full Moon in Aquarius more than others.

Again, the invitation is, to please print your birth charts and physically place this Full Moon in Aquarius into the house in your chart, as then this will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birth chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.

It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.

I hope that this serves you.

Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. This is very fitting for this Full Moon in Leo. Take precious care of yourself.

Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website: if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings, if you resonate with my writings. I would love to hear from you, accessible either through ZOOM, FaceTime or face-to-face. I am also available for other services displayed on my website.

Travel well.

I Love you all dearly.


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