Full Moon 29 degrees and 36 minutes in Aquarius, 22.08.2021, 10:01 pm AEST
Welcome readers and new subscribers. I really appreciate and value your subscription. I hope that you are well during these trying times.
Happy Birthday Leo. May your day be filled with joy and your heart full with love.
Ladies and Gents, we have a Full Moon in Aquarius. At any Full Moon cycle the Sun and Moon create what is called in astrology an exact opposition to each other. What this means is that the Sun and Moon have opposite signs to each other. However, they share the same amount of degrees and minutes. It is these exact numbers that create tension, as it pulls in the two polarities of the opposing zodiacal signs.
This is done intentionally to invoke pressure and recognition through the experience. We can only restore and release things that we feel. We need to have courage of a lion (Leo) to feel what is driving the discord. From my experience, it is never as bad as what we think it is and the truth of it really sets us free. It creates inner freedom, which is needed in order to feel it externally and energetically in the body.
The external is just a mirror to the internal. The more stressful, crazy or chaotic that we feel sometimes, the bigger the opportunity to connect to our feeling centre and become grounded. At this time, we can hug trees, walk barefoot and allow the earth’s magnetic field to enter through our feet, chakras and body to rejuvenate ourselves.
This time we are playing with the Sun being in the sign of Leo and the Moon in Aquarius. What could this mean? This time we’re balancing our selfish personality and self-importance with something that is bigger than our small selves and that provides a valuable selfless service for others.
Maybe creating humanitarian and futuristic inventions and sharing them with different groups or friends. Considering being focused on the whole of humanity also makes us feel good. Planet Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius and he has all of the Aquarian qualities in abundance. The sign of Aquarius is ruled by the mind and it can create objective thoughts through the willingness to change.
The sign of Aquarius loves to be unusual, curious, telepathic, and original so that it can open its mind and channel genius. This can be transmitted when we give ourselves space to do our project in. Aquarius energy loves to connect to technology that has not been invented and adores astrology or any futuristic scientific themes that will seem a bit “out there” for humanity, as it is now.
The Aquarius energy is essential for the unknown change that our planet is experiencing globally. It is the out of the box or far-out thinking that is needed, in order to aid to assist freeing our world. You see we don’t need to be an Aquarius Sun sign to work in humanitarian causes. Every individual has Aquarius within them to differing degrees and we all have our own unique genius to tap into. Each individual counts in the whole bigger-picture tapestry.
So, if we choose to, we can connect and ask the question in a meditation or nature: “What humanitarian role has my soul chosen for me in this lifetime?”
Essentially, the sign of Aquarius is driven to fulfil the Golden Age. From my understanding, Mother Earth is destined to move up the evolutionary ladder into higher consciousness to assist this ascension. Any individual that is willing to do the inner work and raise their frequency can achieve this outcome.
The New Earth is beautiful, harmonious and loving. It is free from control, wars or restraints, & it is driven by love for everyone and where there is total freedom to be a unique individual. There is no separation from love and from our friends and there are no secrets or judgements.
We have entered the Aquarian Age therefore; we are supported on this change and our connection to our cosmic brothers and sisters for assistance to help us grow in self-love.
There could be some extra emotional (Moon) electrical (Aquarius/Uranus) energy. There could be heightened chaos entering the minds of human individuals possibly feeling stressed around their split-ups from others and their separation from love.
Transiting planet Jupiter is in the sign of Aquarius and is conjunct (sitting next to) this Full Moon. Jupiter can be expanding the Aquarius theme and possibly taking it over-the-top, in order to get our attention on the focus of humanitarian freedom of choice. This is the second Full Moon in Aquarius in succession. It looks to me that the two Full Moon’s in Aquarius are aiding individuals and the collective to step into their own unique genius.
The individuals that have the fixed signs of Leo/Aquarius and Taurus/Scorpio in their birth charts ranging anywhere from 26 degrees of Aquarius to 3 degrees in the next sign of Pisces, will feel this Full Moon in Aquarius more than others. This is due to the fact that this Full Moon is in the last degree of Aquarius and the sign of Pisces comes after in the astrological chart.
Again, the invitation is, to please print your birth charts and physically place this Full Moon in Aquarius into the house in your chart, as then this will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birth chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.
It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. This is very fitting for this Full Moon in Leo. Take precious care of yourself.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website: www.transformational-astrology.com if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings, if you resonate with my writings. I would love to hear from you, accessible either through ZOOM, FaceTime or face-to-face. I am also available for other services displayed on my website.
Travel well.
I Love you all dearly.