Full Moon 22 degrees, 24 minutes in Aquarius on 15th of August at 10.30 pm AEST
Greetings existing subscribers! Thank you for your continued support and feedback. I value it very much. Also, I would like to offer a warm welcome to the new readers that have just joined us. Thank you for coming on board. Just to let you know, I write these articles from my experience and understanding, as it is now.
At this time, we are extending another Happy Birthday to our creative and love filled Leos. Happy Birthday! May your day be child-like and fun, regardless of your age!
Beautiful readers, we have a Full Moon in Aquarius. Any Full Moon indicates a build up of energies from the time of the New Moon to the Full Moon. The seeds that we plant at the New Moon come to fruition at the Full Moon. This is demonstrated up in the sky by an exact opposition between the Sun and Moon. This means that the Sun and Moon are physically positioned directly opposite each other and that they are sharing the same number of degrees and minutes, in opposing signs.
This build up of energy and the subsequent letting go, is helping us globally; create balance between the contrasting energies that are within us. Often these imbalances are unconscious. This time we are playing with Aquarius and Leo. Our precious Moon is in Aquarius and our Sun in Leo. What could this mean?
The planet Uranus rules Aquarius and his inherent drive is for freedom. This is why it can be a rebel when forced to conform by society or any authority figures. Further, keeping in mind that Aquarius, also rules: astrology, space, star consciousness, technology, individuality, ingenious forward thinking and all of the scientific discoveries. I invite you to look at your birth charts, where do you have your Aquarius glyph and where do you have Uranus? The above characteristics are very much emphasised at this Full Moon.
Additionally, this Full Moon in Aquarius is opposing four planets in Leo. What could this mean? Some key words for Leo are rejection, creativity and love, as we have discussed in the New Moon edition. These planets are Sun, Venus, Mars and Mercury, although Mercury is out of orb (out of the usual eight degree separation), she is in the energy of Leo. Therefore, the creative power to finish projects that we have started is there for all of us at this Full Moon in Aquarius.
Interestingly, our Sun and Venus share an exact conjunction; I see this as cosmic support for all of us to fall in love with ourselves. Then, we may also attract and fall in love, unexpectedly with the ‘right’ romantic partner. Considering that Aquarius/Uranus carry the energy of separation and issues around intimacy, which from my experience stem all the way from our separation from Source Energy/God. This leads to, not trusting being truly intimate and close with our partners, and friends.
It helps us to heal wounds around abandonment, rejection, intimacy and closeness. This needs to be achieved, whether one is in a relationship or not. The Aquarian/Uranus energy can break through walls and blocks and raise our frequency to a higher consciousness than before. How cool is this?
A possible question could be:
What walls or blocks am I ready to break through to enable me a deeper connection with myself and a new opening into higher frequency vibration?
Aquarius energy is fixed, which does not enjoy change; it loves its comfort zone. However, in the functional they are determined to finish any task that they put their minds to. Also, they are not afraid of being unconventional and go beyond the limits of normality. They give themselves time and space to invent new ideas that are designed for the betterment of humanity. Also, they learn the ability observing their own and others ego games, objectively.
Further, they allow themselves to develop non-attachment from any outcomes. These are wonderful qualities when utilised functionally. Please remember, that we all have Aquarian energy within us, to differing amounts. We do not need to be an Aquarian Sun sign.
The message at this Full Moon is to tap into our connection to the higher power. This will give us the inner strength to carry things through till the end especially, when things get tough. Aquarius/Uranus carry the illuminator energy and are responsible for our light-bulb moments and unexpected surprises (both pleasant and unpleasant).
Please know that Aquarius element is air, which means it loves to reside in the mind. It can get scattered, crazy and split. It can also create overly eccentric behaviours and chaos both on the inside and on the outside. Please be mindful that the chaos of mind creates mental disorders, when we are not looking after our nervous system. There is a quick remedy that works perfectly, hug a tree and place your third eye on it. Wait sufficient time to give your nervous system a chance to calm down.
Also, please notice if you have any issues with your calves and ankles. Further, we can have bad blood circulation, develop hypoglycaemia or diabetes. We could also have cravings for processed sugar, even if it is from time to time. This is due to not giving our selves joy and love, which describes the Leo polarity. Just a quick reminder, we are always working with the two polarities, in life and in astrology.
Those individuals that have the fixed energies of Aquarius/Leo, Taurus/Scorpio between 19 and 25 degrees will feel this Full Moon more than others. The heavens are gifting you with your own unique opportunity to heal, let go of and release these energies in those areas of life demonstrated by your birth chart.
If you have access to a birth chart then please print your birthchart and physically place this Full Moon then it will help you see what area of life your Aquarius sits in and if it is making any significant aspects to any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birthchart. It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts. I hope that this serves you.
Also, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Ashtara for offering me to take over writing these wonderful and fulfilling Moon Musings (as scared as I was, shaking in my boots) and for bringing me, my treasured students to teach beginner’s astrology (equally shaking in my boots at the beginning) using her precious books. These books are so valuable and filled with a do it your self-guide to using astrology for self-empowerment and health on all levels. They are available for purchase through Ashtara’s website: www.ashtara.com
I use them in my teaching and I use them in these writings. In my experience, there isn’t a better source out there and I have looked. I feel that Ashtara deserves another mention, as it astounds me at those momentary glimpses, that I dare to think of where I would be now without astrology and Ashtara’s support, patience, wisdom and love. It is truly priceless and it brings tears to my eyes. Thank you Ashtara.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website: www.transformational-astrology.com if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
I am also available for one-on-one transformational-astrology readings.
Travel well.
I love you all dearly.
Ziva x