Full Moon 19 degrees and 37 minutes in Virgo on the 10.03.2020 at 3:47 am AEST
Greetings everyone! Thank you for your continuous support. My heart is filled with gratitude and love. I adore writing, I grow with you and I write these articles from my level of experience and understanding, as it is now. I love learning new things about myself; in fact it excites me. I hope that you do too. I know that it can be a challenging process at times. However, we truly grow faster with much less pain when we lighten up on the self-judgment (Virgo).
Happy Birthday Serene Pisces! May you have a magical and mystical day doing what you love.
Ladies and gents, we have a Full Moon in Virgo. At any Full Moon the Sun and Moon are in their polarities. This time we have the Sun in the sign of Pisces and the Moon in the sign of Virgo. It is this opposition between the Sun and Moon that creates the tension. This pressure can be felt by many and released in the lead up to the Full Moon or at the time of it, as all Full Moons bring this culmination of energy to a head.
Virgo’s element is earth. This makes it a grounded and practical energy. Also, Virgo loves logic and analysis. Therefore, we can work things out in a very sound and practical way as long as we keep away from any over-analysing. We can get out of our head through creating order in our lives while being lovingly mindful of Virgo’s tendencies towards judgment, criticism or nit-picking behaviour. Essentially, Virgo is learning to delegate and sweep away any high expectations that it can put on self and others.
Virgo rules health, our daily routine and work, which makes Virgo an avid learner about all there is to know about ‘true purity’. Virgo loves doing the inner work cleansing the mind, as well as the body so that it can grow into embodying giving a truly healing and selfless service benefiting both self and others. Mother Theresa depicted and lived the highest expression of Virgo. How beautiful and precious is that?
Pisces’s element is water and this energy needs the practical grounding of Virgo, in order to create that balance within. Virgo loves having everything in its neat little place and we need to discern for ourselves whether we are just being orderly or too perfectionistic. Virgo brings true magic through being able to see how the little things all fit together on that micro level. Pisces needs this, as she can float off into etheric clouds wafting away not caring about coming down to earth.
The Sun in Pisces is sitting next to (conjunct) the planet Neptune at this Full Moon and this can assist us all connecting us to our dreams, hopes and inspirations. This can have a spiritually cleansing and purifying affect on some people.
Being mindful that unconscious Pisces/Neptune could also activate confusion and anxiety through lack of vision and clarity. Essentially, the Moon in the sign of Virgo being opposite the Sun and Neptune in the sign of Pisces is asking us all, to bring the practical and spiritual together and place them both into our hearts.
There may also be things that we are simply in denial of facing and seeing clearly about ourselves. Now is the time to unveil what is hidden from our view and bring it into the forefront of our vision.
Also, at this Full Moon it is a time to begin actualising those possibly forgotten dreams and goals that we have in the area of practical and spiritual service. Fundamentally, humanity would benefit marrying the two, practical with the spiritual.
When we are feeling too much in the Pisces polarity it would pay to remember this simple remedy of applying the Virgo detail and precision to any situation. Virgo loves it when we are more organised and efficient with our energy and rewards us all with feeling good.
The possible questions to ask self are:
How is my daily life?
How is my daily routine?
Is it serving me?
Do I enjoy my work?
How is my health?
How is my digestion?
Now is the time to examine the thoughts that we feed ourselves.
The planet Mercury that co-rules Virgo is stationing still before she is moving direct and this stationing could possibly assist these Virgo/Pisces shifts alongside Neptune. Also, Mercury loves questions.
The other ruler of Virgo is Chiron.
Virgo’s quality is mutable, which means that it needs change to remain healthy. Mutable qualities are also flexible and adaptable.
This Full Moon can be full of healing, cleansing and uplifting. Please remember that you don’t need to be a Virgo or Pisces Sun to benefit from this Full Moon in Virgo. We all have Virgo/Pisces somewhere in our charts, as well as the other mutable signs.
Those individuals that have the four mutable qualities of Virgo/Pisces, Gemini/Sagittarius, ranging from 15 to 23 degrees in their birthcharts will feel this Full Moon in Virgo more so than others.
Again, I invite you all to print your birthchart and physically jot down the house where this Full Moon sits for you, as this way it will enable you to see the area of life that it is affecting personally for you. Additionally, you can see if it is making any aspects to any planets, points or angles in your chart especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven in your birthchart.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. If any of you feel called to have a face to face or Skype astrology reading with me then please book through this website: www.transformational-astrology.com and if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, then please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
It is always an honour and a privilege to serve you. Thank you.
I love you ALL